- Motorcycles
- Baseball
- Camping
- Gourmet home made food
- By the age of 2 he is going to know idiasabal, tetilla, drunken goat, garoxa (Different kinds of cheese.)
- Disney movies
- He is going to be a tree huger because his mommy loves organic things
Cristian has been infatuated with these bikes, he probably spent 20+ hours looking for them. Keep in mind that a week has 120 hours (Monday to Friday) and this is Cristian's schedule:
Work: 40 Hrs/week
Commute: 10 hrs/week
Dinner: 5 hrs/ week
Soccer: 12 hrs/week
Sleep: 35 hrs/week
That is around 102 hours a week and the other 20 he spent them in looking for bikes. Where did Kika time go? I am going to quote Barr "mmmm hmm." You would think that with the high demand for bikes in Amsterdam it would be easy to find one.. it is not
Now for the third news I am going to quote Kellie in:
Dear Nike: Thank you for calling me and scheduling an interview for us to meet. Yes, that is right I have an interview on September 10th. Seriously, my heart fell after the call and I had to pick it up and place it again. As some of you guys have heard me when I talk about Nike "it makes me faster and I promote the passion I feel when I am equipped with Nike. What can I say "I got soul but I am not a soldier."
The forth and last update was that Cristian decided to quit his soccer career in Amsterdam. In his last training he met these two Brazilian "ballers" as he called them. They are currently playing for Vasco Da Gama and came to Amsterdam for tryouts at bigger clubs then FC Amsteland. Cristian wanted an autograph but these kids were 16 and 110 pounds and thought he was 44 so he held off.
The last updates of the week:
1. It was Oxanas B-day and Gaby and I did Tiramisu as you can see in the picture..Yummy Yummy
2. We saw Hannah this week and she is talking so much. She recognized us through the camera and sent us kisses
3. I thought I had some skills in cutting hair but as you can see I failed completely by trying to cut some of my hair, it is completely uneven. My mom almost killed me when she saw me in the webcam
4. This is Cristian studying Cisco so hard.. LAN lines, Proxies, etc
5. Thank God I still have some hair left.. you can barely tell the bad hair cut
Awesome, Good luck with the Nike interview! Love the bikes too.
#1-Congrats on the interview Kika!!! Now, if they can only be so lucky as to have you on their team:)
#2-Omg, you totally had me fooled with the hair--I was reading the blog in a small window and my mouth dropped open when I saw the pic--I was so excited for the short hair--then I scrolled down and remembered how much more I like the long:) xo aruna
yes! congrats again on Nike! And I still think you would look cute with a "Posh" cut.
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