I am super happy to be home. The weather is absolutely beautiful and I love being with my family.
Plans for the upcoming weeks: Paint, Sew and cook. Last night we did some amazing empanadas.. yummy.

I am working on a dress that I am going to wear for an upcoming wedding. My mom wore this dress when she was 16- Mom's picture

The dress is in pretty good shape but the zipper is broken and it is tight so I am replacing the zipper and loosening the back.

I am also painting again. I want to make a painting for the new nursery we have for Daniel. This is the crib

I have never painted with pastels so I am having a hard translating my inspiration into the canvas. I started fixing an old painting that I left behind a couple of years ago to get familiar again with techniques and oil treatment.

My work station is in the garden

Last project a Christmas stocking.

This is how the end product will look

I also joined a volunteering group that sews for needy children. We are in early stages but we sew pillows, fabric bags and make quilts.
As I am writing in the blog we are cooking Pot roast- The same recipe that I tried to cook Christmas day but failed.. so we are trying again..I will post pictures.