When I am about to write the blog I look at the pictures taken throughout the week to recall any specific events that you should know about. My source failed me this week because we didn't take that many, just a few that you will see at the end of the blog. So just as the banking system is poitning back at the US we will do the same at pointing and updating you in how our family is doing back in the US.
To start we want to show you our beautiful niece Hannah. She Look how big and cute.. Isn't she adorable?
Lina is having her baby Shower this weekend and she is showing the cuttest belly. Less than a month ago she was barely showing but now she has a bigger bump. Just some pictures from these week. We had a beer tasting festival in our room. From left to right the percentage of alcohol increased from 5% to 12%. The last one on the right tasted sooo bad. We found a winner and that is the burgundy Bavaria can. It tasked just like Jeremia Red at BJ'S.
With the lack of Mexican food and avocatos.. we decided to try to make a 7-layer dip and it came out pretty good.
To finished up the week we had another Latino Flocking night. We cooked Arepas (which are corn-based bread from Colombia and Venezuela) Some pictures from the event: The Cheff, Daibory from Venezuela
The boys. From left to righ Cristian-Chile, Miguel-Venezuela, Josue-Mexico, Bruno-Mexico, JP-Argentina
Yummy Arepas Me and Gaby
The whole group
Tonight Meik is coming to see us and then on Wednesday we will go back with him to Bremen. As the holidays are approaching we are trying to figure out where to go. I want to either go to Slovenia, Budapest and Istanbul.. and Cristian wants to do either London.. Any voters? Where should we go?
Hello my favorite peeps! So it looks like this place is agreeing with us. We are feeling more at home everyday. We have developed a great group of friends
and we are enjoying the new life in Europe. I feel like this pretty much every day.
This week hit me hard being away from home. The job at Nike fell through and although I got great feedback from the person that interviewed me saying I was Nike Material I got very home sick. Cristian has been sick this week with the flu, and pretty much he sleeps all day. The weather has not been very nice to pump up the mood. To add to the complain bucket list I lost my touch in the kitchen this week.. the rice burned, the chicken was dry, I bought the wrong milk and the cheese was sweet instead of salty. As I was researching about homesickness I found a prevention, which is for parents "not to pick the child up before the period of separation is scheduled to end." That prevention technique in my case failed completely. When younger, my parents (mostly my dad) couldn't say NO when I asked him to pick me up at a friend's or my grandma's house, when I promised I would not get homesick.
To put a band aid on the heart or on my separation anxiety I found a way to feel close to home and that is NPR and youtube. As weird as it sounds hearing an american english speaker makes me feel at ease, except from Sara Palin. And watching Letterman interview celebrities and mavericks make me feel in a homy environment.
Last but not least we had close encounters with Chuck Norris. When our door is open we can see into the kitchen where Chuck Norris makes his rounds. Most recently we saw him searching for food so we set some traps.
Round 1: Chuck Norris nibbled at the cheese (we are using goat cheese that it is 3.oo Euros for 100g) in the trap until it was all gone
Round 2: We (meaning Cristian) reset the trap with cheese and Peanut Butter... Same result
Round 3: We tied the cheese to the trap with dental floss and video taped Chuck in action.. same result + the video was all black lack of light
Round 4: We set the traps again before going to sleep ...Same result. We must remember Chuck Norris facts when battling Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
We should also mention that each time we set the trap, we set 2 traps so it actually Chuck Norris 8, Us 0
Next week we are looking forward for a small trip to Bremen to see Meik F.P.